The Living Archive

#CommunitiesSolidarischDenken 2023: Games & Fun

Currently everything is still a mix of different languages – we apologise, we are working on a coherent translation.

6. Snippet Hunt BIWOC Rising Quiz

In August we had the most amazing snippet hunt with you! The best fun and a great break.

Wenn die Stadt im Sommer wieder zum Leben erweckt 
und die Straßen in der Sonne strahlen 
kommen die Menschen aus ihrem tiefen Winterschlaf 
wenn sie ihr Getränk im Späti zahlen 

Jetzt ist es wieder soweit 
wollt ihr wieder etwas Lustiges erleben?
Dann hier liebe QTI*BIPOC, BIPOC und Queers, 
ihr könnt mit einer Schnipseljagd Kreuzkölln übernehmen!

Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen 
am 11. August durch die Straßen zu ziehen 
und auf dem Weg zu der Zielgerade 
dem Berliner Alltag zu entfliehen

In our third station – at BIWoC Rising we had a fantastic quiz! Highest respect to Surya Paasch for creating the quiz and also a big thank you to Cérise C. Carson for realizing the station at BIWoC Rising.

The answers are in the fold-out section – have fun solving the puzzle!

I’m a shadow that darkens the light, With chains unseen, I bind so tight. Crushing dreams and hopes held high, In my grasp, freedoms seem to die.

What am I?


The fundamental value that involves showing consideration, admiration, and regard for the rights, feelings, and beliefs of others? 

What is it?


What single word represents a gender identity that doesn’t conform to the traditional binary concepts of male or female, indicating a person who identifies as having no specific gender?

What is it?


A songstress with soul, her voice was the key. Injustice challenged, her soul’s decree, A champion for civil rights was she.

Who am I?

Nina Simone

What term describes the complex and interconnected nature of various social identities, such as race, gender, class, and sexuality, which together shape a person’s experiences and perspectives, highlighting the overlapping systems of privilege and discrimination they may face?

What is it?


Smiles painted on while inside, storms brew, forced to navigate challenges anew. A weight on the heart, a burden to lift. What’s this effort, when equity is adrift?

What is it?

Emotional Labour

In the streets, our voices rise, A powerful chant to seek what’s wise. When rights are wronged, and justice cease, we stand united, crying:

What is it?

No justice, no peace

Once a month, BIWOC Rising offers a platform to TIN*BIPOC & BIWOC to present their project and journey when it comes to freelancing/entrepreneurship.

What’s it called?

Strictly Business

I’m a prefix that means across or beyond, In a journey of change, I correspond. I can modify words, changing their stance, With a meaning that goes far beyond chance.

What am I?


Not in the spotlight, yet vital I be, For justice, and equity, I join the spree.

What am I?


In minds and hearts, I subtly reside, A form of discrimination that can often hide. Judging abilities based on gender’s face, Limiting potential, slowing life’s pace.

What am I?


Walls built not with bricks or stone, but with compassion where seeds are sown. An environment where fears can cease, what’s this space where hearts find peace?

What’s it called?

Looking for an action day that addresses inequality between genders. This year, 2023, March 7th marked …? 

What was it?

Equal Pay Day

I am a two-digit number, and my digits add up to 7. If you reverse my digits, I become a number that is 9 more than me.

What number am I?


8. Snippet Hunt Bullshitbingo

Once again, a big thank you to all the great organisations and people who took part and helped out! We love you and are happy about all the great projects and spaces we always create together!

At the MRB (Migration Council Berlin), Ed Greve had the fourth task for you: create your own bullshit bingo – what fun! We thought it was so great that we have now created a joint bullshit bingo from your various ones.

Have fun playing!

Credits to our creators: JobK, Queeranosaurus Rex, Whackalicious, Schnitzeljagd & Team Supernova

11. Word puzzle ‘Labour’

Wörterrätsel Arbeit Lösung Herunterladen

And here again in German Sign Language’s finger alphabet

Wörterrätsel Arbeit DGS Lösung Herunterladen

12. Personality test: Which labour critic are you?

And as a nice little finale, take this great quiz. Because: paid work is annoying, but work can also be something voluntary.

Here you can find out what type of capitalist labour critic you are.

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