Currently everything is still a mix of different languages – we apologise, we are working on a coherent translation.
1. Voice messages to #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken
English spoken language
Lucy Ng’ang’a is an activist in IWS, a member and the Project Coordinator of Break Isolation Group (BIG), a self organized group by refugee women* for refugee women in International Women* Space( IWS).
Jihad Yagoubi is a PhD student at Freie Universität Berlin, blurring the lines between academic research and community organising through their own decolonial practice. As a Black Amazigh researcher, born and raised in Morocco, Jihad is involved in the Berlin QTIBIPoC community and works to strengthen the decolonisation of the northern African region.
English spoken language
German spoken language
Nafas (-/they) is a neurodivergent, queer, agender illustrator and writer of Colour, born in Tehran and based in Berlin. With images, words, anger and love, Nafas works around collective liberation, representation and empowerment. Nafas dreams of a world where everyone can afford to be soft.
Newroz Çelik is a Kurdish, non-binary, trans masculine activist who has been involved in various queer and/or BIPoC communities for the past 20 years and has some thoughts on certain things. Newroz talks, writes, plays, dances and laughs a lot.
Deutsche Lautsprache
English spoken language
Tobi Adebajo is a community-orientated artist, facilitator, performer, spiritual helper, singer, writer and parent. Tobi’s work centres on the depths and nuances of issues around queer love, politics, Black sexuality, healing, Yoruba culture and traditions, delivered through healing spaces, recovery rituals, sound baths and workshops.
Ceren Türkmen works at the Federal Association of Counselling Centres for Victims of Right-Wing, Racist and Anti-Semitic Violence. As a sociologist, she is researching and writing her doctorate on the history of migrant self-organisation, the connection between race and class, racist violence and hegemony theory. As an anti-racist human rights activist, she has been involved in initiatives since the mid-1990s and is a member of the board of the Institute for Solidary Modernity.
German spoken language
5. xart splitta Podcast
Break Isolation Group by International Woman Space – with Lucy and Jacki
This podcast took place in English spoken language.
„We break isolation, we build bridges and we redefine our own community!“

IWS’ Break Isolation Group (BIG) is a self-organized refugee only women’s working group, formed out of the urgent need for peer to peer organization in February 2019. BIG was founded by and for refugee women in and out of the German Asylum system, most of them living in different accommodation centers (Lagers) in Berlin and Brandenburg. As women, we create a platform and build our capacity to speak in our own voices, express ourselves freely for us and about us. We therefore denounce others speaking about us on our behalf and without us.
‘Chkoun’ and passing on knowledge as community work – with Layla & Nesrine
This podcast took place in English spoken language.
„But we took on this task, so let’s think of how!“
CHKOUN is a 2023 formed collective focused on raising awareness about Anti-Black racism in Tunisia, and northern Africa. CHKOUN translates into “Who is” (« qui est ce qui? ») in Darija language, spoken in Tunisia and other areas in northern African. CHKOUN is a question we raise to find out who we are and who we other. CHKOUN is about raising questions with no pretention to have the answer.
CHKOUN aims to contribute to a narrative that names and denounces the consequences of Anti-Black racism and its specificities in the northern part of Africa. It hopes to create a space for education about the structural roots of northern African Anti-Black racism, and to certain extents connect its institutionalisation to anti-immigrant European border regimes.

Thanks for the technical support to Turning Tables in the NaunynRitze!
These podcasts took place as part of the LADS-funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.