
January 2023
January 2023

The Living Archives as guests

Thank you all for your interest. Since the beginning of the archive in 2020 we have been contacted and invited a lot regarding our decolonial memory-political work.

We are happy to share our processes, struggles, and ways with you and more generally, our Resistant Knowledge project.

Feel free to contact us anytime!

December 2022
December 2022

2022 at The Living Archives

What's new? What happened?

We have been able to make some great collaborations this year. New on the platform is the cooperation with Verwobene Geschichte*n, Trance by Sea Novaa and much more. To get an overview, there is now the news section, where you can follow new uploads and content easier.

Our highlight is the development of the interactive part of the homepage. Our Learning Diaspora Space now has a map for our places of memory, resistance and empowerment!

Of course, we have also changed the structure of the homepage again. 

You can find a glimpse of the old design here.

16th & 17th November 2022
16th & 17th November 2022

Politics of Memories and Archives – the spaces in between

On November 16th and 17th, we were able to realize the wonderful symposium "Politics of Memories and Archives - the Spaces in Between" in cooperation with the Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße. The symposium revolved around decolonial knowledge (re)production and politics of remembering. At its core were the knowledge processes about intersectional discrimination and lived realities that deviate from the norm. Since remembering activist struggles, persons or spaces of resistance are fundamentally affected by structural erasure or pushed to the margins of society in their existential legitimacy, we dived into the in-between spaces  — digitally as well as socially. Coming soon, documentation on our platform.

April 2022
April 2022

Decolonial, Digital, Interactive

What does it mean to be decolonial, digital and interactive?

This will be our theme for the year 2022. We are conversing, researching, learning and engaging. In this line, what do critical documentation and responsibility mean?

Stay tuned and be excited, we'll keep you posted!

February 2022
February 2022

Welcome to The Living Archives

The Living Archives is a community platform for knowledge of marginalized perspectives. We invite you, your ideas and projects to join the platform.

Do you want to start a project and are looking for support in documentation?

Feel free to contact us at any time at contact@thelivingarchives.org

10th January 2022
10th January 2022

The Living Archives at "dive in. Program for Digital Interactions"

Logoleiste Förderer

The Living Archives will be further developed in 2022 with the funding of 'dive in. Program for Digital Interactions' of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.

17th December 2021
17th December 2021

The Living Archives Launch 2.0

And the time has come! Once again, we are proud to present the next version of The Living Archives. In the course of this, we also create this timeline because we realized that there will be many more versions and we want to share and go through our processes with you. For this, we need transparency! Thank you, communities!

October – December 2021
October – December 2021

Implementation of the new homepage structure

Screenshot der Startseite zum Stand Dezember 2021.

Thanks to all of your wonderful input and feedback, your thoughts, co-designs and your interest.... we have some fantastic ideas and are busy implementing them! Now we are in a fundamental rebuilding phase of the homepage which is also a result of the experiences of the first year.

We have summarized the status at the end of 2021.

29th October 2021
29th October 2021

Second Expert Workshop

One workshop is never enough. Therefore, many, many thanks to Ginnie Bekoe, Hannah Ishmael, Jihad Yagoubi, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai, Savira Pervaiz and Iris Rajanayagam, who is present as co-founder but unfortunately not as project management any more.

26th May 2021
26th May 2021

First Expert Workshop

Our first expert workshop! Thank you Fatima El-Tayeb, Iman Attia, Isidora Randjelović, Ismahan Wayah and Nicola Lauré al-Samarai for your thoughts, your feedback and your expertise!!

05th February 2021
05th February 2021

We need your support!

We want to tackle this challenge together with you and therefore start the open call ‘We need your support!’ via Instagram and in our networks and we got great feedback. Thank you! 

Diane Izabiliza

Die SichtBar 2018

Each One Teach One

Joanna Mechnich, Jeff Hollweg, Sri Hartini Santo und Golschan Ahmad Haschemi

ndo – Mazyar Rahmani & Nuriani Hamdan

Yemisi Babatola

January 2021
January 2021

How can we catalogue in racism criticising and non-normative manner? 

Also, January 2021 is the starting point for us to look at archiving and sorting content on the homepage: How do we make content discoverable? How can we design the homepage user-friendly? And how can we implement all the aforementioned without reproducing racist cataloguing systems? 

Fortunately, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai advises us in this process and together we have an idea... 

From January 2021
From January 2021

Translation and duplication of the homepage into English

In 2021 we will start translating the homepage into English. This is a lot of work, and at the same time, a lot of negotiation since not everything can be translated always accurately. Moreover, we don't want to change the voices and perspectives of our authors/speakers/co-creators respectively. 

19th November 2020
19th November 2020

Launch The Living Archives - Transformative Archives

Have a look here or also at the presentations of Fatima El-Tayeb and Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez. We really enjoyed  this event and are proud to announce that The Living Archives is now online!

Summer 2020
Summer 2020

Processing of the documentation

Many things are now happening simultaneously. Together with Iris Rajanayagam and the lecturers, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai is working on the contents of the project Passing it on. In the xart splitta team, we are dealing with questions of how to document and archive in the future, what and how to publish on the homepage and how the events that have taken place at xart splitta can be recorded and made available on the online platform. Together with Steff Grünewald, our web design support, we are working on an initial structure and design for the homepage.

Summer 2020
Summer 2020

Homepage start

A few months earlier, the first lockdown due to the global Covid-19 pandemic begins. We take this once again as an opportunity to look more closely at accessible digitalisation for our online platform. We have big plans! Among other things, our very own server... but reality is catching up with us fast and we have to adapt to what can be implemented at that moment. But don't worry, we now know where we want to go in the future!

June 2020
June 2020

Funding application at the Federal Agency for Civic Education

Logo Bundeszentrale politische Bildung/bpb

The time has come! We have been granted project funding by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) as well as guidance by Peggy Piesche for the implementation of our new digital archive.

4th March – 16th November 2019
4th March – 16th November 2019

Passing it On & Passing it On – Winter School

The idea's hour of birth.

Click here for the documentation of Passing it On.

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