The Living Archive


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Hersey, Tricia (2022): Rest is Resistance.

Unfortunately we cannot provide this book as a download. Here is the link to the publisher’s page: Hersey, Tricia (2022): Rest is Resistance. Free yourself from grind culture and reclaim your life, Boston. RECLAIM POWER, REST AND HEAL FROM GRIND CULTURE ‘May we have space to navigate our lives from

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Kitchen Tables: Arbeit, Arbeit… Arbeit?

Kitchen Tables waren von BIPoCs selbstgedeckte Küchentischen um eigene widerständige Räume gestalten zu können, in einer Welt, in welcher sie auf Grund patriarchaler Dominanz in Diskursen weniger anerkannt und/oder wahrgenommen wurden. In dem Erinnern und Feiern dieser empowernden Akte haben auch wir uns unsere Räume geschaffen um Theorien zu betrachten, zu erstellen, zu verwerfen, uns

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Onat, Rena (2023): Queere Künstler_innen of Color. Verhandlungen von Disidentifikation, Überleben und Un-Archiving im deutschen Kontext

This book is originally written in German and not available in English translation.Unfortunately we cannot provide this book as a download. Here is the link to the publisher’s page: Onat, Rena (2023): Queere Künstler_innen of Color. Verhandlungen von Disidentifikation, Überleben und Un-Archiving im deutschen Kontext. Berlin Queers of Color kommen

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xart splitta (ed., 2022): #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken – Together as People of Color?! Reflections on sustainable community collaborations III Berlin

Most of the articles in this brochure are currently only available in German written language. We are working on further translations. DOWNLOAD:xart splitta (ed., 2022): #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken – Together as People of Color?! Reflections on sustainable community collaborations III. Berlin Now in its third year, #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken is one of the main

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black deaf history von vincent hesse

Black Deaf History von Vincent Hesse Keynote “Hidden History of Black Deafies” by Vincent Hesse as part of the symposium “Politics of Memories and Archives – the spaces in between” by The Living Archives on November 16/17, 2022. In diesem Vortrag geht es um Schwarz-Taube Menschen, ihre

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hast du alles? podcast  | von und mit cuso

This podcast is as part of a cooperation in The Living Archives, so we are currently unable to offer a translation. Gespräche über soziale Bewegungen und was wir dafür einpacken müssen. Intro – Ich packe meine Tasche Hey, ich bin Cuso und spreche für diesen Podcast mit Menschen, die mir

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TRANCE by Sea Novaa

TRANCE is an exploration of movement and being.  It is a computer art piece that invites members from the Black queer community from around the world to use repetitive movement as a form of meditation, release, and the expression of freedom.  Using the latest motion capture technology, Sea Novaa transmutes

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Titel englisch The Legion of Community Superpowers

The Legion of Community Superpowers

Here is our Legion of Community Superpowers! Episode 1 and 2 with Elliot Blue & 3 with Xinan Pandan. You can look forward to the stories & adventures of our Super-Dragos: Our dragos are now also available as bags and cards in our brochure (2020, 2021 und 2022)! If you would like to

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