the living archives

a learning diaspora space

The online platform for the documentation, archiving and passing on intersectional knowledge from and for BIPoC communities.

What is The Living Archives?

The platform The Living Archives has three main foci:

  1. Documentation,
  2. archiving and
  3. passing on


of intersectional knowledge that has been created in BIPoC communities. At the same time, it is a learning platform to share, to complement and to pass on this knowledge within these communities.

The aim is to collect (lost and/or deleted) content and knowledge that is/was generated within BIPoC contexts and make it accessible to these communities. Current discourses and topics will be represented on the site. Historical references to narratives and knowledge (texts, oral history, images, etc.) will play a central role and related content to this will also be found on the site. In the course of 2021, the site will be continuously filled with new content generated collaboratively and within the framework of xart splitta’s work.

A "Resistant Knowledge Project"

xart splitta understands The Living Archives as a “Resistant Knowledge Project” (Patricia Hill Collins). In this context archiving, documenting and sharing knowledge is understood as a decolonial act. The concept of the archive is redefined here with regard to its colonial, racist context of origin and used as a means of “counter-narrative”. The site will remain a work in progress and we look forward to collaborating with a wide range of actors from our communities in its further development.

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or other feedback, please feel free to contact us at:

What's new in the archive

Highlights from the archive

Cooperations & Fundings

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education) for the financial support that made this project possible. At this point, especially to Peggy Piesche for their guidance, important impulses and support in the initial phase of the project.

On behalf of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, it gives me great pleasure to wish the project “The Living Archives” all the best for its launch into the digital and analogue world.

When we ask ourselves who we are and how we want to live, we first consult our archives, which are alive and constantly with us. These are by no means dusty chambers of evidence, but collective knowledge that also and above all forms, informs and ultimately re-inspires itself through memories. When people ask themselves who they are and how they want to live, they are looking for reference points that reflect their collective life experience. That is why it is so important that spaces are designed that approach memory work from an intersectional perspective, make offers in accordance with our societal diversity and specifically direct these offers to BIPoC Communities. It is above all the civil society commitment of BIPoC NGOs and educational institutions like xart splitta that create such offers of intersectional political education.

The project “The Living Archives” not only re_centers what we understand by memory, it also shifts the focus and makes it possible for plural ways of collective histories to be told and remembered. The project hereby shows what collective BIPoC politics of memory can look like: polylogical, diasporically connected and movement-led. This is also a central concern for the bpb. Political education work forms an essential basis for the shaping of memory and politics and must nowadays be critical of racism and discrimination, diverse and intersectional. Otherwise, it will continue to re_produce exclusions. Projects like these literally create spaces where the collective stories of BIPoC communities can be told and passed on to younger generations. They challenge existing interpretive perspectives and thus also open up our societal narrative on the issues mentioned above. As the bpb, we support such work and want to be a partner for intersectional political education work that is critical of racism and discrimination.

Foto credits: Deborah Moses Sanks

Peggy Piesche

Head of the Department “Political Education and Plural Democracy” (Gera location), bpb

D.I.D – Diversity.Intersectionality.Decoloniality

2020/2021 funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education
2022 funded by dive_in of the Federal Cultural Foundation
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