Verwobene Geschichten (eng: Interwoven History*ies) is a project that was conceptualised and created within the framework of the practice research project „Erinnerungsorte. Vergessene und verwobene Geschichten“ (eng: places of memory. Forgotten and interwoven Histories) and was expanded within the framework of the practice research project „Passkontrolle! Leben ohne Papiere in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ (eng: Passport Control! Living without papers in history and present). Both projects were funded by the Institute for Applied Research Berlin and were based at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin.
Responsible for the content of Verwobene Geschichte*n is: Prof. Dr. Iman Attia.
The homepage has become part of the platform The Living Archives in the context of a cooperation and is not a subproject of the archive. Verwobene Geschichte*n therefore keeps its own design and will appear in its own visual presentation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact The Living Archives/xart splitta team or the team of Verwobene Geschichte*n.
We at xart splitta can look back on several years of close cooperation with the project participants of Verwobene Geschichte*n. Among other things, you will soon find here an excerpt from the joint panel discussion, on the occasion of the relocation of the practice research project, from our symposium “Politics of Memories and Archives – the spaces in between“, which took place in November 2022.
Eng: Paneltalk: “Interwoven with Interwoven History*ies”
Illustration by Huda Halal