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Red Haircrow (2023): Varied Spirits – An Anthology – Vol. 1
Varied Spirits is a poetry, prose and art collection focusing on writers, artists and creatives who identify as transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, gender-queer, trans-feminine, trans-masculine, or other self-identifying terms both ancient and historic, and Native/Indigenous persons who identify as Two-Spirit.
Description: “We live in societies designed to crush our bodies and spirits, that seek to compartmentalize and confine us in every way, especially into heteronormative roles and bodies although gender, sexuality, even intelligence are naturally on a spectrum.
Variance, the state of being varied, is often seen as negative. Yet skills such as adaptability and variability helped our ancestors survive, and today are essential in gaining and maintaining balance, well-being and mindfulness. Being trans and/or also part of other minoritized or marginalized groups adds extra challenges for being accepted as who you are, of just living your life, of feeling safe in society, in your home, in your body.
This anthology is a gathering of the dignity, the sacrifice, and the beauty of our lives, loves and living. Of our spirits.”
Contributors include Ana Oihan Ametsa, Vyacheslav Konoval, Hexe Fey, Dana Ravyn, Kat, C.S.W. Henry, Rachel Andeen, Lara Holy, Folami Bayode and Fierce Grandmother. Edited by Manuel Ricardo Garcia and Red Haircrow, published through Flying With Red Haircrow Productions.
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