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Intersectionality in German Sign Language Community

Keynote by Asha Rajashekhar: „Intersectionality in German Sign Language Community“ Further Topics will be: „Self- Identifications“, „Audism“, „Linguicism“ und „Racism“. This keynote took place in German Sign Language and is translated into German spoken Language we are currently working on subtitles in German and English spoken language. Pls. find more

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#CommunitiesSolidarischDenken 2023: What’s the hustle?

Currently everything is still a mix of different languages – we apologise, we are working on a coherent translation. #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Thinking Communities in Solidarity) in 2023 was all about the topic of ‘work/labour’. We met some great people, had exciting discussions and were able to participate in great spaces. The

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Kitchen Tables: Work, Work… Work?

Kitchen Tables waren von BIPoCs selbstgedeckte Küchentischen um eigene widerständige Räume gestalten zu können, in einer Welt, in welcher sie auf Grund patriarchaler Dominanz in Diskursen weniger anerkannt und/oder wahrgenommen wurden. In dem Erinnern und Feiern dieser empowernden Akte haben auch wir uns unsere Räume geschaffen um Theorien zu betrachten, zu erstellen, zu verwerfen, uns

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Radical Solidarity

Following our two-part workshop on Jewish–Muslim relations and solidarity we held a panel discussion with Alana Lentin and Anaheed Al-Hardan in October 2019. The dialogue was opened with two short contributions each by Alana Lentin and Anaheed Al-Hardan.Alana Lentin gave a talk on her newest publication Why Race Still Matters (Polity, 2020), here a

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