TRANCE is an exploration of movement and being. It is a computer art piece that invites members from the Black queer community from around the world to use repetitive movement as a form of meditation, release, and the expression of freedom. Using the latest motion capture technology, Sea Novaa transmutes their movement into works of art and into identities unrestrained by norms and limitations of society. TRANCE embodies freedom, spirituality, non-conformity and being.

Sea Novaa is a Bahamian-American conceptual artist and designer. After practicing law in New York City for five years, Novaa pursued music composition and art-making in Berlin.
Novaa’s practice centers around the theme of freedom. Traversing several disciplines, Novaa’s work encompasses sound, performance art, movement, and shapes.
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In cooperation with The Living Archives and as part of “dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions” of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation) with funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) through the NEUSTART KULTUR programme.”