Our Kitchen Table is all about sharing, with and within our shared and specific communities. Following the Kitchen Table concept, a range of topics can be discussed here. The aim was to highlight a political act by BIPoC Women*/Queers who “set” their own table because they were not otherwise invited. The concept of the Kitchen Table points out two dimensions of collective work: 1. creating a cross-generational and cross-community space for conversation and alliances of solidarity; 2. to underline the mostly invisible and unrecognised/underestimated work of BIPoC Women*/Queers. A central concern of the content is that through the flow of dialogues, various processes of collective production, the transmission and exchange of knowledge is promoted and thus, not least, processes of healing are made possible. At the Kitchen Table we can create our own discourses, theorise, analyse, exchange, learn from each other and think together. Recognising and appreciating different forms of knowledge and knowledge production is presumed here. Here ideas and theories can be discarded just as often as they can be created. Themes and the course of conversations often emerge intuitively; what is important here is the feeling of safety and intimacy. A space in which everyday things can be negotiated and thus become part of our political practice and the development of resistant strategies.
“I learned so much from listening to people. And all I knew was, the only thing I had was honesty and openness.” – Audre Lorde